Aircraft in your Neighborhood Portal (AIYN)
A list of major civil airports that have a direct link to Airservices Australia’s Aircraft in your Neighborhood portal. The portal provides information about aircraft operations, types of airspace, flight paths, aircraft movements and runway usage in relation to these airports. It can also provide statistical information about this data.
WebTrak allows you to see where aircraft fly and explore historical trends and patterns for several Australian metropolitan areas. There are some limitations on the accuracy of the data (explained on website) and there is a 15 minute delay on the display of flights. Noise monitor information is also available.
Australian Aviation advice to Government
In Australia, aviation is the responsibility of the commonwealth government which means activities such as the regulation of aircraft operations occur at the federal government level. The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications, and the Arts (the Department) advises the federal government on the policy and regulatory framework for Australian airports and the aviation industry. The Department also provides advice to the Minister on Australian airspace, aircraft noise and emissions.
General information about Australian Airport Curfews
A curfew applies between 11 pm and 6 am at Sydney, Adelaide, Gold Coast and Essendon Fields Airports. The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (the Department) has made provision for some exceptions to these curfews for operations such as emergency services aircraft and some freight aircraft. The Department also issues dispensations in exceptional circumstances.