Investigation of complaints about the proposed Hobart Noise Abatement Procedure trial

As part of its post implementation review (PIR) of flight paths associated with Hobart Airport, Airservices Australia (Airservices) continues to engage with communities affected by aircraft noise. One result has been consideration of a potential Noise Abatement Procedure (NAP) trial. The Aircraft Noise Ombudsman (ANO) received complaints about delays when Airservices’ self-imposed due date for […]
Investigation into complaints about the flight paths associated with the Brisbane Airport new parallel runway

As of 30 June 2021, the ANO received 265 complaints regarding aircraft noise following the opening of Brisbane Airport’s new parallel runway. One complaint from the Brisbane Flight Path Community Alliance incorporated a survey of 2075 residents adversely affected. The ANO conducted a multi-complaints review of Airservices’ environmental assessment of the impact of the flight […]
Investigation into complaints about flight paths over East Melbourne

The complainants are community groups from inner Melbourne who complain about both noise from aircraft landing at Melbourne Airport and helicopter sightseeing flights.
Addendum to: Compliance Audit of Australian Super Hornet Flying Operations at RAAF Base Amberley

In October 2019, the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman (ANO) presented the findings of its audit of the Department of Defence (Defence’s) compliance with the Conditions of Approval for Australian Super Hornet Flying Operations, RAAF Base, Amberley, QLD (EPBC 2008/4410), as varied by Ministerial approval in April 2014 (Conditions of Approval). The Delegate of the Minister for […]
Investigation into complaints about the introduction of new flight paths in Sunshine Coast

From 22 April to the end of July 2019, the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman (ANO) received 299 complaints regarding the proposed flight paths to support a new runway at Sunshine Coast Airport in May 2020.
Review of Airservices Australia’s systems for community engagement

The Board of Airservices Australia (Airservices) requested the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman (ANO) to undertake a review of Airservices’ systems for community engagement generally and specifically in the context of pending major airport infrastructure developments.
Compliance Audit of Australian Super Hornet Flying Operations at RAAF Base Amberley

In January 2019, the Department of Defence (Defence) requested that the ANO undertake an audit of Defence’s compliance with the Conditions of Approval for Australian Super Hornet Flying Operations, RAAF Base, Amberley, QLD (EPBC 2008/4410), as varied by Ministerial approval in April 2014 (Conditions of Approval). The Delegate of the Minister for the Environment approved […]
Investigation into complaints about the introduction of new flight paths in Hobart

In September 2017 Airservices Australia implemented changes to flight paths for aircraft arriving and departing Hobart Airport. The changes included a Standard Instrument Departure (SID) and a Standard Arrival Route (STAR) for each end of the main runway. The changes altered many residents’ experience of aircraft noise in the broader Hobart area. The effects of […]
Review of Defence’s Aircraft Noise Complaints Management System

The Aircraft Noise Ombudsman (ANO) elected to conduct a review of the Department of Defence’s (Defence’s) Aircraft Noise Complaints Management System (complaints management system).
Investigation into Complaints about the Perth Noise Improvement Proposals

During the course of 2015 Airservices Australia (Airservices) proposed three significant changes to the management of air traffic to and from Perth Airport. The aim was to deliver improvements in the management of aircraft noise over residential areas. Two of these changes have been implemented. The third proposal will not proceed.